Come & Knock on Our Door…

…we’ve been waiting for you! Another song title blog post now stuck in your head. You’re welcome.

Anyways… this past weekend we went door shopping. It’s kind of an odd thing to feel so strongly about but Jared and I were dead set on a couple of things when it came to our interior doors.

  1. Jared must have solid core doors. He had some terrible things to say about hollow core doors. Like f-bombs and everything. I almost felt bad for the hollow core doors after a while.
  2. Julie hates six panel doors. I wanted nothing to do with them. And they were everywhere! Looking all ridiculous with their six panels! A four panel or two panel looked so much more casual and unpretentious. Yes, I just called six panel doors snobs.
  3. Jared and Julie both want to paint our interior doors black. This got some serious backlash from a certain Aunt on Saturday night but she might be coming around!

Here’s my thing with the black doors. I know that most homes have stained wooden doors and a lot of new construction have white doors but trust me on the black door thing! It’s a rich, bold look. The bedroom and bathroom doors can be white on the inside but look at the impact a hall has with all black doors.

doors 1doors 2doors 3doors 4doors 5And these are the actual doors we purchased. Pre-primed ready for some black paint!


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