A Belated Celebration

May I have your attention please? Let’s everyone raise a glass! Cheers to passing all inspections and to new insulation! Hear hear! A mighty achievement! Well done old sport!

OK, too much Gatsby lately! (Which was fabulous by the way)

But back to the belated celebration. There has been much progress in the last few days and in the coming weeks… there. will. be. walls! Actual, tangible walls! Can you believe it? It’s so exciting!

The day of insulation was a looming deadline that my Dad and Jared would chat about timidly every night. They had pushed it back once or twice but last Friday came with a vengeance.

Ten men covered head to toe in white suits shuffled into our new home at 6:30 in the morning and shot Icynene into our studs’ every orifice. We went with Icynene closed cell spray foam insulation which not only insulates but creates a sturdy seal for the lifetime of the structure. It’s kind of the Cadillac of insulation.

Jared reported that the truck parked in our driveway powering this whole operation was obnoxiously loud and we did go around and apologize to our new neighbors for the early wake up call.

When the Icynene team left in the afternoon, Dad and Jared ceased all work at the house to let the foam settle and harden and let any fumes dissipate. I couldn’t wait for a peek though. As soon as I left work I headed straight to the house. I hadn’t been there alone yet. I turned the key and for the first time saw what looked like less of a construction site and more like my new home.

Yeah, I cried. Just a little. It was just so different. I always had the vision. When I close my eyes at night, I see my gorgeous white kitchen and our lovely bright bedroom. But it was just so different to go from the dark cavernous studs to bright whip creamy “walls.” I could just see it all so clearly and yeah, I cried. I am really very lucky and so so happy to have this home with the love of my life and to know that my whole family helped us make it a reality so that we can raise our own family there. It’s just lovely.

So here are some more progress shots of our lovely whip creamy home. The same view day one, after demo, and today.

View in Living Room looking into Dining Room2013-04-15 14.51.23



View in Dining Room looking into Living Room

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View in Kitchen looking at sink & basement door

2013-04-15 14.52.51 IMG_0850


View in Kitchen looking at Front Door

2013-04-15 14.53.53 IMG_0853IMG_0945

2 thoughts on “A Belated Celebration

  1. Debra Swanson

    Oh, how I wish we could be there to see the transformation!

    Brandy Swanson Sent from my IPhone

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