Life Doesn’t Come with an Instruction Manual

But everything you own seems to! So I wrangled all my instruction books and created this lovely organized binder. I had a ton from all the small appliances we received as wedding gifts. And a bunch from electronics over the years. But with the renovation, we had an influx of appliance manuals. And those, you’ll really want to save!


So these went in first. I always try to write the date of purchase on my instruction books since something always seems to break right at that warranty mark and it isn’t always easy to remember in what month or even what year you bought something.



I sorted my manuals by Major Appliances, Small Appliances, Cleaning (Hello iRobot!), and Electronics.


It’s not something we’ll flip through regularly but it sure will come in handy when the juicer starts spewing vegetable guts or the ice maker gets stuck on crushed.