Ice Cream Man


I don’t know about you but that high pitched squeal of Do Your Ears Hang Low permeating through the neighborhood on a hot summer day does not fill me with excitement and glee. Oh no. It’s outright panic and anxiety!

Remember that feeling when you were little? “Mooooom!! I need a dollar NOOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!” It was the worst feeling in the world! And your mom was always like in the basement doing laundry and couldn’t find her change purse and then there was this horrifying feeling that you were going to be the only kid on the whole street that didn’t get an ice cream!

My heart is racing just thinking about it.

But this isn’t a tragic story from childhood. This is a fabulous story about my husband and how he made my day last week. It was a hot day and I was putting a coat of polyurethane on the third floor guest room. I heard that infamous Do Your Ears Hang Low tune and just kept on rolling. A minute later I hear Jared coming up the stairs- “You missed the ice cream man!” “I know!” I said. And then he appeared with two tasty treats- “But I didn’t!” It was probably my favorite moment of the entire summer. Because you really can’t beat a bomb pop and your hubs in your new home on a warm summer afternoon.

We’re entering into an exciting stage of this renovation this weekend. All walls should be plastered and we can work on little projects and lots of painting!

Hope your weekend is filled with fun times and cool treats!
