Trimming a Staircase

Sticking with our theme this week of our new staircase, I thought I’d show off some gorgeous banisters trimmed for the holidays. Our staircase is so new, I hate to cover it up! But I will show off some holiday decor I’ve added to our home next week. For now, here’s some inspiration for your staircase!

Garland is obviously the most traditional. I like the simplicity of greenery with maybe some white lights but check out these embellishments…

Snowflakes and Pearls


Chunky Rope and Starfish

Garland Coastal

Ribbon and Pom Poms


Or stockings! No mantel, no problem! Stockings on the stairs are a nice touch.


stockings on stairs via Habitually Chic


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Frosty the Snowman!

No that’s not Jack Frost on our window, that’s frosted glass film! Our skinny window at the top of our staircase provides great light but it also provides a great view of our neighbors second floor windows. It also happens to be on route from the bathroom to our bedroom so in order to provide some privacy, we decided to frost it.


We used Gila Privacy Control Window Film. It comes in a variety of textures and colors in this long skinny roll.



I just measured the window and cut out the correct size of my pane. Then you simply remove the clear layer from the frosted, spray with water, and apply to the window with a credit card or squeegee to remove any bubbles.


The trick really is the wetness. On my first attempt I thought it would be wise to not wet it too much. Wouldn’t it lose it’s stickiness? So without much water, the film is VERY and I mean VERY sticky. And once it touches the glass, it will NOT budge. This made for several bubbles on my window. Not easy to tell from far away but up close it looks like raindrops on the window.


My second attempt (on the top half of the window) was much easier. I called on my assistant Jared for this one and honestly, it really is a two man job. I held the film, Jared removed the clear backing then sprayed the film LIBERALLY with water, and I applied to the window. This time, it was a breeze! The film was able to adhere to the window but still move around. I smoothed out all bubbles with a credit card and left it to dry. It’s absolutely perfect! We love the light it lets in but still giving us the privacy we need. Perfection!


Staircase Reveal

It was a bit of a renovating mad dash at the end there before the housewarming party but we did manage to get the last couple projects done in the nick of time! Our staircase was one of those projects. We have been living without a banister for several months now. No big deal for us but with 9 foot ceilings, it is a major safety issue not to have a railing.

If you remember, we kept those beautiful newels in tact but we also wanted to save the original spindles. They were beaten up but still good. So a lot of paint stripper plus new white pearl finish took care of those. Then my Dad worked geometric magic to make a new oak banister stained the same Jacobean finish as the rest of our floors and stair treads.



We love them. We may not have as many family photos up as the previous owner but we intend to fill this home with just as much love.




OK, it’s not a chess piece but I have affectionately named our newel our chess piece. This work of art is original to the house. It all of the sudden came alive this past weekend when we were doing some painting and some bright white trim paint made it really pop!



This is one of my favorite parts of our house. It’s just so unique and special. Can’t wait to show you the final grand staircase!

Get to Steppin’

That title was pretty gangsta, eh? Anyways, this staircase is a huge part of the wow-factor when you first enter our new home. It’s kinda in yo face! And all up in yo biz-ness.

Alright, enough Julie from the Street.

Here’s some progress shots. Remember this staircase when we bought the house?


The carpet came off to reveal layers upon layers of paint and deteriorating wood. Dad has spent a lot of time getting the paint off of the beautiful newels with a heat gun. The heat gun looks a lot like a blow dryer so I’ve walked in to find Dad looking like a hair stylist giving our newel a fab blowout.


The new risers and skirt board are in place but the stair treads are being stained. So for now we get to walk up the stairs like Nik Wallenda on a tightrope.


Stay tuned for the big Stairway to Heaven reveal!

Stairway to Heaven

Remember this?

8680360251_82afa9a827_oThis staircase has so much potential. Especially this lovely newel. Yes, newel. That’s a new word in my vocabulary. Did you know these central poles on a staircase are called newels?

newelWe believe this staircase and the lovely newels are original to the house. They just happen to have about 50 layers of paint on them. But a heat gun should do the trick. As for the stairs, they are not salvageable. We knew pretty early on we’d have to replace every tread. But after that, we hope to have a grand staircase with dark wood treads and banisters and bright white risers and NEWELS!

Something like…
