Kitchen Decor

When it comes to kitchen decor I have very strong opinions (like when do I not, right?) This is a highly functional room and I believe there should be nothing taking up valuable counter or wall space that doesn’t serve a purpose. That’s not to say your kitchen has to be void of personality or color! Here’s some of my favorite (and useful!) kitchen accessories.


Fruit 3Encourage healthy eating and add a pop of color with bowls or platters of fruits and veggies.

FruitFruit 2



Whether displayed on the counter for easy access or in the pantry, playful canisters liven up a kitchen and keep your dry goods… well, dry.

French CanistersDISH TOWELS

Dish Towel

A solid color works fine but there are so many fun designs out there. Educate yourself on knot tying while you cook, show off your city pride, or my favorite- turn a handwritten note or recipe into a towel by following Emma’s instructions here.

Boston Dish TowelDish TowelHERBS OR SUCCULENTS

Windowsill Garden in Tea Tins

Planting an herb garden or succulents on a kitchen windowsill brings life to a kitchen- plus the herbs are quite handy when cooking! I love these little tea tins or tea cups as planters. Though most herbs are pretty hardy, just remember that modern windows are so energy efficient that they block UV rays making it difficult to grow plants in a windowsill. Succulents on the other hand, can grow in the harshest of conditions.

Succulents in Tea CupsWindowsill Garden

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