iRobot, Do You?


So I know most women would be pretty upset with their husband getting them a vacuum for their birthday but in this case I basically shrieked for joy and did a pretty elaborate happy dance that involved a lot of clapping and jumping. But this isn’t just any cleaning tool- this is an iRobot.

Yes, I am now a proud owner of the iRobot Braava. And with all our dark hardwood floors, I need him. I call him ‘him’ because he really is like a little pet- only he doesn’t shed or poop or require anything more from me than a quick charge of electricity every now and then. Other than that, he cleans my floors. So yeah, he’s the best pet ever.

Here’s Braava gearing up for a sweep of the first floor.


He gets every inch of floor space and even fits under the stove and cabinet toe-kicks.



I think it’s the cutest thing when he crashes into walls! I try to go about my business and not watch him but every now and then I hear “thunk” “thunk” and it’s just so darn cute! Oh Braava!


I’m totally in love with this little guy. I find myself calling him as if he understands that I want him to come clean near foyer now. I laugh at him when he bumps into the cabinets, when he gets confused under the counter stools. And when he finishes and sounds his proud “beep ba da beeeep!” I have to stop myself from petting him or throwing him an electronic treat. I highly recommend this little guy to anyone who wants to free themselves from a lifetime of cleaning floors. Or… whoever wants a low maintenance, really lovable pet.
